My family and I are frequently asked how we got here, and to be honest, there are days when it seems like a blur that is still blurring. Faith was the starting point and the driving force for the journey to Selah's Acres. My attempt to make sense of the chaos I call life is represented by this entry and the ones that come after. Even though I tend to be somewhat private, I can't shake the feeling that God wants me to share this. And so I extend an invitation to enter my universe, with all the abandonment I can summon. Come along with us as we create a dream that sometimes seems to evade us. Nevertheless, I find solace in the fact that the vision does not tarry. Stated differently, although it appears to be taking forever, it actually isn't. When it comes to God's purposes and plans for us, we are perfectly on track. Yes, there is a great deal of expectation and hope!