We are Mike and Meeka, campers, glampers, RVers, and all-around backyard enthusiasts! Along with our four kids (three sons and one daughter), Uno, Deuce, Lovely, and Cuatro, we enjoy gardening, building, weather watching, traveling, and learning new things. Our family is a package deal, a family that plays together, prays together, and loves hard! We love people and have never left a campsite without a few new friends. This love of nature and people gave birth to our family vision and business.
Selah’s Acres journey began when we decided to believe in God and walk by faith. Packing only our necessities and tons of outdoor gear, we moved out of our 3400 sqft home into our 34ft travel trailer. While in our “tiny” new home, our family grew big in faith and fellowship. Stepping out of our traditional home was like stepping out of a box. There is financial and emotional freedom when you live minimally; distractions diminish, and family communication is refined! We walked and talked together. Inside our 340 sqft home, the kids were forced to share in ways they had formerly ignored. The patience required to live in close quarters is intense but totally worth it. Love and kindness became our standard again.
We believe that healthy families have healthy experiences. At Selah’s Acres, we want to offer you the best encounters in nature with the people you love the most. While ours was a costly decision, our whole family agrees it was our best choice. Everything changed the moment we chose to take God at His Word. We forgot what was behind us and pressed forward to do this excellent work. We are birthing out a vision that allows our neighbors and guests to experience the refreshing freedom we’ve found doing life outside under the trees, in the dirt, and beside the water. All things are possible when you believe!
Doing what God has for you doesn’t always look like what everybody else is doing. We’re walking by faith and living an active and alive life! Our mission at Selah’s Acres is to get you and your family outside, engaging, connecting, and relaxing with us in the North Alabama community. We invite you into our life as we launch Selah’s Acres RV Resort and Camping Experiences!
This resort is a family endeavor. Everybody’s ideas are being used to design a destination vacation with you in mind. Our heart desires that someday every member of your family would be engaged and refreshed on our grounds so that you’re individually and collectively reinvigorated and inspired when you return home.
In 1957 Brooks and Hazel Church created a homestead and farm which would be the center of family reunions and community fellowship for almost 3 decades. From these grounds they fed their neighbors, served their church, raised children, and implemented some amazingly inventive mechanisms.
The Churches are known in the Hazel Green community because of their originality, character and kindness. We are building on that foundation by merging technology with nature in creative ways. We’ll offer you luxurious experiences on rustic grounds so that you can reconnect with those you love and nature.
Come stay with us!
This is exciting!!!! Trying to sell hubby on an RV, so I pray we get to visit Selah’s acres in the future!
“What a lovely story and legacy! Congratulations.”
"Great little get-a-way! Comfortable, air conditioned tents provide the ultimate glamping experience in the most beautiful setting deep in the woods. The Fellows Family thought of everything when creating this beautiful place."